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Archives du mot clé : Jazz

Dubbel Dee & Friends

Dubbel Dee & Friends is a new project where I invite my (musical) friends to do a sort of back to back mix. The first and last track is always chosen by my guest/friend, and that will set the mood/direction of the mix…so it can be Jazz, Funk, Soul, Blues, […]

Club212 – Yes I’m 35… F*ck it! (Hipsterphobia Mix)

Je vous propose de découvrir mon dernier mix, d’une durée de 2h30, regroupant des morceaux sélectionnés ces 3 deniers mois. Vous découvrirez, parmi les 45 morceaux mixés, les dernières productions de Ta-Ku, Darius, ESKA, Braille… Bonne écoute!

Mo’Jazz 1965-1975 A Decade Of Jazz

Two years ago I worked for 11 weeks on this series highlighting the Jazz from the year 1965 till 1975. 1965-1975 A Decade Of Jazz. Then this year I made the prequel going from 1955 till 1965 : 1955-1965 A Decade Of Jazz…the prequel. These mixes are selections of my favorite […]

Mo’Jazz 1955-1965 A Decade Of Jazz

For the last 6 months I have been working on this series, after I did the other one (1965-1975) 2 years ago. I must say that I’m very pleased with the result…so much good stuff came out in those 11 years, and it’s not that easy to keep it to […]

International Jazz Day on Ness Radio

April 30, 2015 – International Jazz Day Starting at midnight on Thursday April 30 for 24 hours of good Jazzy tunes on your favorite radio : Ness Radio. A team of 8 dj’s/selectors who call themselves for this occasion The International Jazz Day Collective will bring you their favorite selections […]

Mo’Jazz is now on Ness Radio

Hi y’all music lovers, After being active for almost 5 years making radio for, I was ready for something new. So I was talking to my friend Massimiliano Conti a.k.a. Jazzcat if he had an idea where to go with Mo’Jazz? He told me that there was a guy […]

JAZZablanca 2014

Après le succès de la 8ème édition, Jazzablanca revient du 29 mars au 03 avril 2014 pour une semaine de musique, de découverte et de partage. Cette année, Jazzablanca festival s’installera dans différents espaces publics de Casablanca grâce au soutien de la Wilaya du Grand Casablanca, en offrant de la […]

WA by Celia Wa

Sorti il y a deux semaines Wa, le premier EP de cette jeune artiste, Célia Wa, aux influences multiples et multi-casquettes : auteur, compositeur et interprète vaut absolument le détour. Elle présente un projet musical teinté de jazz, hip hop, electro, reggae et gwo ka. Véritable musicienne dans l’âme, elle […]