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" No AI, no algorithms, just pure human touch. Our playlists and music selections are handpicked and ear-approved by a real, live music aficionado. So, when you tune in to Ness Radio, you're experiencing the magic of human creativity, not a robot's guesswork. "

2025 © Ness Radio

Fino Du Rap – Reflexo De Um Pais (Prod. Kensaye)

Salut la compagnie! J’ai completement oublié de vous partager ce son que j’ai produit pour Fino du Rap du Brésil… Les paroles sont au sujet de la situation politique la bas et specifiquement une loi que les senateurs essayent de passer pour changer l’age de la criminalisation a 16 ans… […]

Lost Highlands by Jeebrahil

Last Friday, July 5th in Paris took place the release party for Jeebrahil, a French Caribbean beatmaker, latest LP: LOST HIGHLANDS Get your share of some electro/instrumental awesomeness but not only. More information on label NOIRCITY. Feel free to go on Jeebrahil facebook page : JEEBRAHIL

Club212 – Live Mix for Runtomorrow Showcase Party @ Fellah Hotel

Samedi 29 juin dernier, j’ai eu l’occasion de mixer pour le Showcase du label électro marocain Runtomorrow, au Fellah Hotel. Un cadre sympa et branché donc, pour une soirée agréable auprès de fins connaisseurs ou encore d’amateurs très réceptifs. Voici donc un extrait de mon mix où vous pourrez probablement […]

Qalomota Records 15 Years Anniversary – Mix by Myriam K.

Qalomota Records is proud to celebrate its 15 years anniversary in 2013! For this occasion, they are starting a new DJ mix serie. They asked some of their great DJs family to share with you their vision of Qalomota Records in one mix! So here is Myriam K.’s DJ set […]


V ARE [we are] back with our third edition of V ARE presenting you those that inspire us LIVE outta VIENNA. this time we invited our favorite dealer V ARE DAS MARKET with Friedrich Plöckinger owner of DAS MARKET hosted by Farbdiscography + Joja Wednesday, July 3rd ! When i […]


Doucement mais sûrement, Runtomorrow voit le jour sous une bonne étoile en 2011 et se positionne dès lors comme un collectif d’artistes hétéroclites, alliant les arts, plus précisément la musique, pour mieux s’exprimer. Runtomorrow matérialise l’art de l’ésotérisme pour délivrer une musique sous le signe de l’osmose et de la […]

The Dark Streets by Tall Black Guy

Released last month, this hip-hop EP ‘8 Miles To Moenart’ is definitely one not to be missed, Detroit inspired!!! Tall Black Guy takes it to a higher level. Definitely my kind of ish! Hope you enjoy as much!

Rebirth by Saneyes (part of Compilation StillMuzik)

StillMuzik a Parisian label decided to release a compilation Looking for the perfect beat, which is set to be a tribute to Afrika Baambata’s work. One of the producers/beatmakers among Ta-Ku and Ohbliv, I dig is part of it: Saneyes is killing it with his single Rebirth. Check out Saneyes’ […]