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" No AI, no algorithms, just pure human touch. Our playlists and music selections are handpicked and ear-approved by a real, live music aficionado. So, when you tune in to Ness Radio, you're experiencing the magic of human creativity, not a robot's guesswork. "

2025 © Ness Radio

Oooh ! by Jean du Voyage from ONE SEED EP

ONE SEED, the brand new EP released September 10, 2013 features this awesome track according to me. Jean du Voyage is a said turntablist since 1998 and French beatmaker as well. Letting us travelling throughout the wonderful land of electronic and downtempo music. New projects release are coming until the […]

« Design & Bricolos » tous les vendredis

Retrouvez Younes en compagnie de son associée tous les vendredis de 13h à 14h (GMT+1) en direct sur Ness Radio dans l’émission « Design & Bricolos ». On y discutera de la création sous toutes ses formes… La première sera diffusée ce vendredi 6 Septembre en direct de l’agence!

Breis – Only Human (Kensaye Remix)

Vous l’avait surement deja entendu sur mon show. A partir de ce moment la, la connections’est faite. Donc j’ai fait un remix de son dernier single…. ONLY HUMAN.   Dites moi ce que vous en pensez!

Keep Pushin’ by Kwezi featuring Sheesha Rose

Produced by Abraham Diallo also known as Tisme, here is the first single of Kwezi EP available on iTunes, Amazon and so on. It’s a nice blend of Hip Hop beats I surely like. Check for yourself: KWEZI Official Page KWEZI is a rapper/singer originally from the Congo-Brazzaville, previously known […]

Above Us by Dpat featuring Sango & Isles

Dpat is releasing some newness August 27, 2013 and provides us with a Free Downloadable piece of it: ‘Above Us’. This track is featured with Sango, a member of Soulection, a collective of which Dpat is from too. « Above Us » comes from Dpat’s forthcoming highly anticipated release ‘In Bloom’, out […]

Temple Pause 02 by Punta Rosa

A month ago, was released some great work from Punta Rosa which resulted in the LP Purple Temple. Beautiful and simple beats. This one right here shows it all: ‘Temple Pause 02’